Tuesday, August 19, 2008

teaching shirts

My latest project was inspired by the fact that I have no cool shirts to wear when I'm teaching art during the school year. I teach at a homeschool group and so it's a very relaxed atmosphere, but teachers still want to look spiffy so the students will be more likely to respect them. (sneaky, I know) So instead of boring polo shirts this year, I'm going to try these out. Hey, I'm the art teacher, I'm supposed to wear weird clothes aren't I?

For the shirts I used Simplicity pattern 2922 (it's a "inspired by project runway", which I didn't even realize until after I'd made the shirts). Jenny had extra of the tree/bird fabric and I really liked it, so she sold some to me and I thought it would be perfect with this shirt pattern. I was originally going to make only one out of the patterned fabric, but thought that it would probably be too busy and the yoke wouldn't show up, so I flipped the pieces and made 2.

The only problem I had with the pattern was that it called for gathering in the front and back. Well, this made it look puffy and awful, like the shirt didn't fit right. I was a little frustrated, but then thought of trying pleats instead, which ended up being excellent. I made the pleats in the back longer than the ones in the front (see photo). I definitely like the patterned yoke shirt better than the plain yoke one. But overall, a success!


Gracie G. said...

I love those shirts (and the scarf I saw from Wiksten's blog, she said you wove it. You should seriously sell those online!). That's so cool that you teach art at a homeschool group. I was homeschooled up through 12th grade and I loved it!

:: VEGA :: said...

are you planning on selling these shirts? - I love them!

Jacqui Dodds said...

These shirts are lovely and how clever of you to put pleats in instead of gathers.

Christy said...

The shirts are made with a manufactured pattern, so I couldn't sell them. And unfortunately I am not good at making patterns from scratch yet--working on that one.