Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cleaning out the Attic...

...what a fun way to spend the day!?

So, my parent's attic is pretty much full of my stuff. Today all I went through was fabric and clothes. I can't believe all the tiny scraps of fabric I saved. Some of it was more than 10 years old. I also found a lot of failed projects thrown into bags.

This is all that I actually saved from that huge pile in the first picture. The bags on the right are all alpaca wool that I have been meaning to send off to get cleaned and carded.

Lesson learned: only save a fabric scrap if it's at least 12". (Unless you're a quilter I guess.)

(Thanks for the posting help, I figured it out!)


Mortadella said...

I like how there is a cat amongst the "rubble" ;)

Ellen said...

Acutally, I use small fabric scraps as stuffing for amigurumi toys and crochet beads. I just stuff it all in a bag to use later. Then I give the toys to my friends thereby recycling and offloading my rubbish at the same time! Hehehe.