Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I recently bought a DVD of an amazing dance troup called Georgian Legend. They do traditional Georgian dancing and their costumes are awesome! I immediately thought, those seem like something Folkwear would make a pattern for. So I emailed Folkwear my idea... and they said they're going to research it! I really can't believe it. I guess I figured they get requests like that all the time, but maybe not.
Here are a couple videos of Georgian Legend to check out. (Any of their videos are pretty awesome.)

Music Video

Shows the girls costumes that I like. (bad quality video, but the best of the costumes I've found)


katiemade said...

i have an internship for school credit and a job at a dumb restaurant in power and light district.
the restaurant job is the reason i haven't been to any practices this summer. basically they schedule over anything i tell them not to, and i needed to save money for the school year, so i just sort of worked whenever... but its horrible and i've had enough.
so, saturday is my birthday, the day i am quitting my awful job and also, i suppose, the day i am coming to dance practice!
yay! i suppose ill see you then?

Bria said...

This looks cool and as a lover of textiles you should try to get your hands on the films of Sergei Paradjanov if you've never seen them--all sorts of amazing costumes and crazy hats (beautiful rugs too).

I was wondering if you were scarved out or if I could commission some scarves for my store Le Train Bleu? They are so lovely--let me know if you're interested!

Bria said...

Yeah, please stay in touch if you find time to take on new projects and I'll stay tuned into your blog in the meantime!
;-) Bria