Sunday, September 14, 2008


Last week, I took a trip to Lawrence, KS to one of my favorite stores: the Yarn Barn. It is the only place in my area that carries weaving supplies. It is an hour's drive to get there, so I only go a couple of times a year. So you can imagine that I usually buy a lot when I go there, hehe. I got a lot of yarn, which means I'm going to be weaving a lot more in the near future. In fact I've already set up the loom and started more of the Finnish twill scarves for wiksten. The Yarn Barn also carries fabric dyes and I'm gearing up to dye a batch of silk scarves, so I had to stock up on those too.

I also went to another great store across the street: Sarah's Fabrics. They carry a huge selection of designer fabrics that are hard to find. There I got some pretty patterned fat quarters to make my friend Rachel a knitting needle case for Christmas, which I've already completed. (bottom picture) It was very easy thanks to a tutorial I found.

All in all, a very productive trip, and I was such a good girl, I didn't buy anything that I didn't need for a specific reason. (this time)

**Side note: Can someone tell me how to get text in between my pictures? I can't seem to figure it out and so I'm forced to put all the pictures at the top and all the text at the bottom.


Mortadella said...

I like the combination of fabric that you used! I'm also looking forward to seeing your future creations for wiksten. The scarf you wove before was really beautiful.

I just cut and paste my text between the image tags when I use blogger. I think when you load an image it defaults to the top of your blog entry (I use the HTML setting)-hope that helps!

Kelly said...

Can't wait to see what comes of the yarn and dyes! And I congratulate you on your restraint - I generally have a plan for everything I buy, it's just finding time to execute that plan.

You can click and drag or cut and paste you text once you have all your pictures loaded. If you're using the "Compose" setting, it's easier to move the text than the pictures.

Christy said...

Thanks for the picture/text help. I'll try that next time.