I've been thinking a lot lately about my intentions and purposes for making things to sell. Am I just making things because of vanity or worldliness or ambition or fame or...?? What good is it to make clothing? As a Christian, could I be doing more worthwhile things? Yes. But, I am convicted that I have my talents/passions for a reason. God gave me the desire to create things and I've never felt that it was wrong or a wasteful thing. Plus, it seems to me, from my humble earthly perspective, that He has to be doing something for a reason with people in the weaver's guild wanting me to be president next year and then this job working for wiksten that just fell in my lap.
I had the thought the other day, Paul was a tent maker... and then I looked it up, it's in Acts 18: 2-3. He and Aquila and Pricilla were making tents in Corinth, for a living. And there's always the excellent wife of Proverbs 31 who does a lot of making and providing for her family. (It sounds like I'm trying to justify myself, I know, and in a sense I am, but hopefully not in a bad way.)
Then I thought about my obsession with traditional textile techniques from different countries. It doesn't seem like that much of a leap to see myself traveling, working with people making textiles in other countries, and it being a way to serve the Lord in proclaiming the gospel. Well, whether that ever happens or not, I do have a sense that this is definitely where I should be now. But I hope I remember to be constantly seeking the Lord's guidance and not just run after my own goals (like I do all the time...).
Anyway, check out this amazing kilim woven bag from Turkey. It's for sale at World Crafts Village, a website that sells products from all over the world made by people supporting their families and the gospel.
I found your blog via the Wiksten blog and I really liked your post! As a fellow christian gal who likes to sew and craft, I have had those same thoughts about the Proverbs 31 woman who made things for her family and for others who were in need. Oh, and I like dancing too, although I never tried irish dancing even though I am in love with Riverdance. I've only done ballet. :)
Happy blogging!
An excellent question, and something I've mused over myself often. So often the art of making beautiful clothes has been viewed as materialistic or frivolous. Should we spend so much time and effort on something so transitory?
Then I read passages like these. Not only did God permit the creation of these items for the tabernacle, he spent several chapters of detail describing them! And it says he specially skilled and gifted these craftsmen for this specific purpose. Their art was a gift and was honored by God in his Word, a testiment to generations of its worth. Should we not view our art with the same honor and worth?
I agree with you, God gives creative ability as a wonderful gift. I love those verses, but the Israelites in those passages are definitely using their talents to serve God. They're decorating His temple. So my struggle is, am I serving myself and my own interests with this or am I serving God? I think sometimes it's one and sometimes it's the other. But, like I said, unlike other hobbies where God has severely convicted me of their worthlessness, He seems to be encouraging me to do this one!
(Do people reply to comments on their own blog or am I supposed to do this on your blog?)
I reply to comments on my own blog :)
I'm also here from Wiksten and was really taken by this post... it's a fabulous question. I would have never thought about Paul being a tent maker for work's sake. Thanks for the thought... and the pondering...
The things you sell make people happy. And if you are making people happy, then your job is worthwhile! Keep up the lovely work :)
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